
Hello, my name is Sarah and I’m a wimp.

I’m pretty bad when it comes to blogging; I tend to do a big burst of posts and then run out of steam and forget about it for a few years… until I inevitably return to do a complete revamp and then repeat the cycle. I’ve been building websites since I was a kid so, truth be told, it just feels weird to not have one, even if I end up neglecting it.

A little more info about me: I used to be a civil engineer, but then I became a technical artist, and now i’m a software engineer. I love to play soccer and read. I also love video games; although I now spend more time developing them than playing them, I love to watch whatever games my siblings are playing at the moment.

I have a partner named Dustin, who is also a game developer, and together we have an adorable dog named Nimbus. Here is a photo of her: